a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Streets of Vancouver

Streets of Vancouver, originally uploaded by meghandear.

So I went on an adventure over reading week.

Friday/Saturday- Ottawa

The Ultimate Stereotype University Weekend

("Cara, he's hitting on me")
("Excuse me, did you just touch my ass? That is sexual harassment and completely inappropriate")
-A 24 hour diner
-Sleeping in until three, to get up and go out for breakfast
-Nintendo! Oh wow.
-Winterlude, STARS! Effing cold.

-Attempt to get to Vancouver

-Trip to Vancouver
-Two hour walk on the beach with two awesome dogs and a lovely boy, looking out at Vancouver lights.

Tuesday, Wednesday
-Walking, walking, walking.
-Tea. Lots of it. Write, write, write.
-A horrible play.
-Reggae night, where I danced up a storm with my eyes closed, because hell, I'll never see these people ever again. Joints were passed all over (not to me!), I danced with a very, very strong man who told me I was beautiful AND intelligent girl, showed me off to his friend, and taught me Spanish words.
-The infamous DJ who liked to stop in the middle of Bob Marley to spin.

-sleep in, trip home.

-Every sex shop in Belleville for a costume. With no luck. EW! Never again.
-Bayside Coffee House (Surprisingly lovely)
-Drinks with G

-hanging out with Mom and Ed.

-Magnolia with mom.
-The beginnings of a play poster.
-A very late train back to Montreal.


A wonderful, wonderful full week.

Oh dear!

Oh dear!, originally uploaded by meghandear.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I got through the dreaded Valentine's Day easily. It's no so much the "boohoo I'm single and everyone's in love thing" as the RED EVERYWHERE AND YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO BUY THINGS. I know, I know, we all talk about the awful consumerism and commercialism associated with this holiday. But even if you are in the best relationship ever, how is it special when someone buys you a red card and flowers? Maybe a great big homemade cookie or the best orgasm ever would be something okay... but honestly. Yes I'm cynical. But no, I won't "understand someday".

I got up late, I went to the gym, I went to Cara's, I stopped by a blood donor clinic on the way home (I now have bruises from super aggressive French nurse who jabbed me three times before she was satisfied and I still had to pump blood manually for twenty minutes). I came home, ate expensive pastries with my roommate and didn't feel sorry for myself, just fat.

And now I am benefitting from the after valentine's chocolate sales. Take that suckers who bought them at full price! I ate an entire little box of fancy chocolates today for two bucks! And again, feel fat.

But hey, it's a holiday!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Life just goes, eh?


Yesterday I went to the gym in the morning, then had a shower at Cara's. I had to get to school, fast, so I threw on my clothes, and literally ran to catch a bus. I stopped, because I heard a funny noise right behind me. I turned around, it was nothing. I kept running. There it was again. I realized that it was my hair, which had frozen in an "I'm running" position, where it remained until I got to school. Never been more attractive, I must say.


Tonight Eric and I got our kitchen stools out, laid down on them on our stomachs, and pretended to swim, then put them away. With no discussion as to why... or even what. Hmmm.


In the hunt for costumes for our show, Cara and Milena and I have been to some pretty sketchy places. The dirtiest Salvation Army ever, Value Village, where we had some success. Finally, we're looking in dirty lingerie places and sex shops. I'm TERRIFIED.


My fortune cookie said "it's now or never". Is it bad that I absolutely can't pick a single thing in my life that that can apply to? Usually I find something. Or am told "You love Chinese food."

Friday, February 03, 2006

I didn't write about the weekend like I said I would.

So, key points:

-getting drunk within 10 minutes of my arrival and forcing the Australian cousin to roll in the snow barefoot.
-burning John's socks in the fireplace.
-the handicap bedroom/bathroom
-a slumber party for the single people
-watching a clementine be whipped at a door. and the floor. and people.
- a mystery puzzle that we didn't finish
- everyone trying to crack my sternum
- allowing myself to be blatantly groped by a gay friend, who was scared, but said "They ARE nice!", which made me happy.
- everyone touching my breasts
- not being prepared, so having the most random meal ever (hot dogs, grilled cheese, fried eggs, shepherds pie, spinach and wine).
-sleeping in a bunkbed where my feet touched someone elses.

It was fun. I went snowshoeing. I miss that weekend.