a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, September 30, 2004


Today we went to an elementary school and did three short plays for three classes of 6-8 year olds. It was awesome and brilliant and fantastic and magnificent and every good adjective. The kids were such a responsive, funny, caring audience, and they ate it up.

We did a fun version of the Paper Bag Princess, there was "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" and Rumpelstiltskin. All of them were short, and funny, and creative.

I spent last summer having kids do theatre, and this semester is all about doing theatre for kids... and I think I've found my calling in some way or another. My head is alert and buzzing with ideas for camp next summer, for myself next summer and in life.

One of the things I learned by running a business of my own creation last summer is that I actually can do pretty much anything I want. Anyone can. It just takes a ridiculous amount of work. It means being tired, stressed, lots of frustration, some fights, some crying in my case. It means lots of complaining to people, long days, dealing with some awful people, selling your soul and pimping yourself... but when you do something that you care about, it is so REWARDING.

Right now I am loving the idea of spending the next two months at school, then doing a play, then going to Belleville for a few weeks. I'll do another semester of stimulating courses, and return to SELF-EMPLOYMENT, doing what I enjoy, and now that I'm not attached to the grant program, I can do exactly what I want. Basically, my life is full of things I love.

And that is my self-indulgent blog of the moment.

In other news, I spent last weekend on a couch in Ottawa. And it was a nice change from sitting on my bed here. I watched movies, chilled with good people, ate a lot of bread, got slightly tipsy (yes) playing a lovely game called beer pong. We went to parliament, ate chicken, laid in the grass, arm wrestled, people watched, and just enjoyed the end of the summer sunshine. It made me miss my friends again (not that I didn't before).

I am planning thanksgiving, and most people are being very good about emailing me and helping out. It's a lot of work. I can't tell people what to bring and for how many until I know how many people are coming... bleh...

That's it for now. Whooooot.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I'm so bored of my stupid ankle injury! I've pushed it too hard, I think, seeing as this morning I could almost walk, and after two classes it has turned purple again and there is no way I will be walking more today without crutches. I should be doing schoolwork, but my landlord gave me a tv... bad idea Meghan. I read my book, I called people, I listened to music, I went to pointless websites...

I didn't realize that I actually DID stuff here, and an injury in Montreal is not a good time with all the buses and metro stairs...

But, last weekend was good enough to make up for me being out of commission this weekend. We're still going to go to Tam Tam's, I think, if I can. And I am uber excited for Ottawa next weekend. I like school. I play the Paper Bag Princess in the Paper Bag Princess. I don't have to do the ridiculous physical theatre because of my gimp. I get to go apple picking. And that is the boring but happy life of me right now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Three free days off. Oh dear!

My family seems to be having difficulty with stairs. I'm a big stupid dummy.

Monday, September 13, 2004

I live in a city where, all in one weekend, I can go to an awesome barbecue and watch theatre students (and a few with minors in music... and an international development guy...) create music with their beer bottles. I can also sleep in a ridiculous amount and walk around a street festival. I can also go see incredible concerts for cheap and ride around in the metro. Then I can sleep in an insane amount again, get up and go to a tam drumming festival. When I get tired of drums, I can leave the picnic blanket and go watch people kill each other with foam weapons in the name of... sport? Then I can come home and stay in bed until noon for another day.

... It was a really good weekend.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

The procrastination queen is back at it.

School is awesome.

Monday, September 06, 2004

I didn't realize how much I should have been missing these great friends.

I just wish I could meld all my friends together into one enormous group, so that I could be with whoever I wanted, whenever.

Can't have everything, can I?

I love this city.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

And she's off...

Back to school in nine-ish hours! It'll be nice to be back in my apartment, to see my Montreal friends, to live tout seul with a GIRL ROOMMATE!, not having to borrow a car, coming home whenever I want again.

I didn't expect leaving to be so hard though. When I came home this summer I never expected to go back with a long distance relationship to maintain and hadn't thought of how different it will be to come back here now that pretty much everyone is gone. And Edward and I are going to try this, and that scares me.

I already miss him, and miss Kristen and miss Amanda. Kristen is the only person who made me cry tonight, she left early and I wasn't prepared for goodbyes then. I wasn't prepared to say goodbye to Edward either, apparently. Have I turned into a sap? Shotnot.

I'm not sad, or happy, or excited or scared. I just wish life wasn't always so complicated, that I could have everything I want, and that I could control all the change in the world.