a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

#1: Remember that time we got drunk and did something stupid?

#2: Yeah, it was funny.

Not the life for me.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Just a few notes.

1) I can't decide whether it's hilarious or to cry that my father, who essentially makes his own schedule, "has to" work this Thanksgiving. It's only funny/sad because he is currently flying the Rolling Stones, which means he is hanging out with Keith Richards instead of his daughter.

2) Tonight my roommate drunk dialed me, and used a fake accent. I didn't know it was him until he said the message was to call him at 911.

3) I do puzzles out of the Globe and Mail now. When did I turn 70?

4) We decided to have a housewarming party, and forgot to invite anyone. Whoops.

5) Graduation approaches a lot quicker than I think it does, and the real world is sneaking up and OHMYGODWHATAMIGOINGTODOWITHMYLIFEI'VENEVERACCOMPLISHEDANYTHING

6) It is so hot that I am leaving the window unlocked, which means tomorrow I will probably be dead, because someone will have entered my room and killed me. If that happens, my stuff can go to pylon paul. Until tomorrow, when the lock again is safely fastened, and Cara doesn't knock on my window in the middle of the night on the third story and make me nearly wet the bed.

7) I bonded with someone nice. That's good.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I am back at school. Good! This is good. I needed this. I need to be somewhere where I am given direction in my learning. I need to be surrounded by people who are passionate like me all about the same things. This city is full of events and faces and ideas and food.

I moved, however. My new apartment is beautiful. Small, much, much smaller than my last, but lovely. I like it. We live above a reptile store. I thought that was funny when we moved and the guy told us we might find a reptile or two.

On my first night here, Eric and I come back from dinner, and he goes to get the mail in the front hall. What should be there but a lizard. Yep. A biggish one. A fast one. One that can climb on the ceiling. Armed with oven mitts, a long stick, slippers and a cardboard box with lettuce in it, we go to catch it. But end up getting our neighbour, who likes these things, to come do it. She just grabs it with her bare hands, and it bites her. She's bleeding, and she says you can't reallymake it let go, you just have to wait it out. So I introduce myself to my new neighbour as we crouch in the front door and while she has some crazy gecko thing making her bleed. We mist it with some water, and gradually it ceases the death grip on her knuckle. I pry open it's little mouth with a kebab stick and we put it in a pot.

And that was night one.