a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I didn't write about the weekend like I said I would.

So, key points:

-getting drunk within 10 minutes of my arrival and forcing the Australian cousin to roll in the snow barefoot.
-burning John's socks in the fireplace.
-the handicap bedroom/bathroom
-a slumber party for the single people
-watching a clementine be whipped at a door. and the floor. and people.
- a mystery puzzle that we didn't finish
- everyone trying to crack my sternum
- allowing myself to be blatantly groped by a gay friend, who was scared, but said "They ARE nice!", which made me happy.
- everyone touching my breasts
- not being prepared, so having the most random meal ever (hot dogs, grilled cheese, fried eggs, shepherds pie, spinach and wine).
-sleeping in a bunkbed where my feet touched someone elses.

It was fun. I went snowshoeing. I miss that weekend.


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