a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Life just goes, eh?


Yesterday I went to the gym in the morning, then had a shower at Cara's. I had to get to school, fast, so I threw on my clothes, and literally ran to catch a bus. I stopped, because I heard a funny noise right behind me. I turned around, it was nothing. I kept running. There it was again. I realized that it was my hair, which had frozen in an "I'm running" position, where it remained until I got to school. Never been more attractive, I must say.


Tonight Eric and I got our kitchen stools out, laid down on them on our stomachs, and pretended to swim, then put them away. With no discussion as to why... or even what. Hmmm.


In the hunt for costumes for our show, Cara and Milena and I have been to some pretty sketchy places. The dirtiest Salvation Army ever, Value Village, where we had some success. Finally, we're looking in dirty lingerie places and sex shops. I'm TERRIFIED.


My fortune cookie said "it's now or never". Is it bad that I absolutely can't pick a single thing in my life that that can apply to? Usually I find something. Or am told "You love Chinese food."


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