a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I got through the dreaded Valentine's Day easily. It's no so much the "boohoo I'm single and everyone's in love thing" as the RED EVERYWHERE AND YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO BUY THINGS. I know, I know, we all talk about the awful consumerism and commercialism associated with this holiday. But even if you are in the best relationship ever, how is it special when someone buys you a red card and flowers? Maybe a great big homemade cookie or the best orgasm ever would be something okay... but honestly. Yes I'm cynical. But no, I won't "understand someday".

I got up late, I went to the gym, I went to Cara's, I stopped by a blood donor clinic on the way home (I now have bruises from super aggressive French nurse who jabbed me three times before she was satisfied and I still had to pump blood manually for twenty minutes). I came home, ate expensive pastries with my roommate and didn't feel sorry for myself, just fat.

And now I am benefitting from the after valentine's chocolate sales. Take that suckers who bought them at full price! I ate an entire little box of fancy chocolates today for two bucks! And again, feel fat.

But hey, it's a holiday!


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