a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Streets of Vancouver

Streets of Vancouver, originally uploaded by meghandear.

So I went on an adventure over reading week.

Friday/Saturday- Ottawa

The Ultimate Stereotype University Weekend

("Cara, he's hitting on me")
("Excuse me, did you just touch my ass? That is sexual harassment and completely inappropriate")
-A 24 hour diner
-Sleeping in until three, to get up and go out for breakfast
-Nintendo! Oh wow.
-Winterlude, STARS! Effing cold.

-Attempt to get to Vancouver

-Trip to Vancouver
-Two hour walk on the beach with two awesome dogs and a lovely boy, looking out at Vancouver lights.

Tuesday, Wednesday
-Walking, walking, walking.
-Tea. Lots of it. Write, write, write.
-A horrible play.
-Reggae night, where I danced up a storm with my eyes closed, because hell, I'll never see these people ever again. Joints were passed all over (not to me!), I danced with a very, very strong man who told me I was beautiful AND intelligent girl, showed me off to his friend, and taught me Spanish words.
-The infamous DJ who liked to stop in the middle of Bob Marley to spin.

-sleep in, trip home.

-Every sex shop in Belleville for a costume. With no luck. EW! Never again.
-Bayside Coffee House (Surprisingly lovely)
-Drinks with G

-hanging out with Mom and Ed.

-Magnolia with mom.
-The beginnings of a play poster.
-A very late train back to Montreal.


A wonderful, wonderful full week.


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