a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Imaginary Boyfriend

Where the eff are you?

I want a Bohemian, turtle-neck and glasses wearing, Margaret Atwood reading, soy nut eating, Guinness drinking, guitar playing, theatre-going, nature loving, poetry and prose writing dork to come out from wherever he is hiding and introduce himself to me without looking at my boobs. Someone who won't think I'm a loser, only a dork, when I pull over the car to stare at the moon, who will understand what I mean when I glare at him, who will surprise me sometimes and who won't be sap.

And I know this is unreasonable. And I like being single. It would just be nice to know that I am likable.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Best thing ever, Part II

-walking into a store to hear Rent piping over the loudspeaker. It must be musical day.

-seeing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. See it.

-sneaking into The Corporation. haha. By myself.

Best thing ever.

-calling a theatre and while on hold listening to Urinetown, the Last Five Years and some other musical.

Oh, the small town

This past week:

-crashed a party. a high school party. very, very fun. participated in several... no hundreds of group hugs. ("Look! GIRLS!")

-had a successful board game night which included me getting a black eye and a cut during an intense game of spoons.

-had an illegal party. got caught. feel awful.

-drove to a rugby game at a school I had never been to and had no idea how to get to. (found a mountain though!)

Loved every minute of the small town (except when I was caught and felt awful). I love both my homes. It's lovely. I'm a little stressed with prep for summer job and this course I got into... but it'll all go okay. It always seems to.


Friday, April 16, 2004

Randomness from a random day

Most random moment of the day: When waiting in a ridiculous excessively long line at the post office, the man in front me kept putting his hands on his hips and sighing. Finally, in a very loud voice, he says the word "COCKSUCKER". And nothing else. And continues to wait.

Funniest moment of the day: Talking to RS via my friend's webcam. You can just imagine.

Best moment of the day: meeting the cast of my play.

Worst moment of the day: Reading the director's notes of the play I saw. Self-righteous prick....

Things are good here. I'm done school completely and taking advantage of the nice weather to explore the big city that I hardly know, despite living here eight months. I am in a good show next semester that gives me chills. I am such a lucky girl. The person I respect second most at this school told me I had a beautiful singing voice (huh?!?!) and I've just been belting for the last two days. And dancing. And laying in bed and thinking. And reading. This time to THINK is wonderful.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Life is good!

So many good things have happened to me in the last two days, I can't believe it.
I am just bursting. It's a good feeling. I am glad to be me and to be so goddamned lucky. I'm sorry to brag, it's just that I have worked really hard, and all of a sudden all these doors have opened up at once.

I just want to sing and dance and wrestle and hug and jump and eat chocolate.

I love you all and thank you for being such wonderful friends.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Happy Easter!


"Tiret à la marge, on y va."

What's awesome?

The randomness of the last two days of my life.
-wrestling for an hour with the goal of getting someone wrapped up in a blanket
-spending quality time in parking lots
-Easter candy
-Easter egg hunts that turn into cultural battles
-spying on our friend through closed blinds with a move by move commentary by PW.
-ending up at Denny's twice in one weekend. Actually, that's the opposite of awesome.

What is not awesome?

The amount of refined sugar currently within my body. Oh dear.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Oh, dear

Today I had a really depressing moment. I was getting eggs ready for the Easter egg hunt I'm having tomorrow (not to be confused with the one I'm having on Monday). I'm going to have to "grow up" soon. It won't be funny or quirky in a few years for me to want to have an Easter Egg hunt, to have ice cream or fort building parties, to go sidewalk chalking. Now, that shouldn't stop me, I know, how the things I love to do look.

When do people stop having silly, goofy fun? Why? In five years, will people my age look at me like I'm on crack if I want to have a leaf fight or dance in a parking lot? When I'm 26 and being a big stupid dope, will people getting married and starting to have kids make me not so silly? I just love life and living and doing whatever makes me laugh and is creative. Does all this come to an end? Is there an age where I couldn't get people to do a photo scavenger hunt? I don't want to be that age. Is that immature of me?

Bleh. I don't want to grow up anymore. I just want to keep learning and playing and creting and being silly forever.

At the theatre formal

Drunk Girl that I've met once: (to me) I know this girl! This girl and I have fun! (proceeds to make me dance with her) I love this girl!

Boy on boy kisses on stage (theatre majors are my heroes).

Me: Can I have a fuzzy navel?
Bartender: We don't have any peach schapps.
Me: Um. Hmm. Can I have a Singapore Sling?
Bartender: Can't do that either.
Me: Okay. How about a cosmopolitan?
Bartender: How about just cranberry and vodka?
Me: Is there much else?
Bartender: No.
Me: Okay then.

Good lord I love dancing. It makes me happy on the inside, turns my crank and sets me freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Monday, April 05, 2004

It's really distracting when you're trying to work and...

-you need to get up and dance to every other song on the radio
-you have photos above your desk that include RB dressed as a duck, SD "skiing", RS feeding BH a gummy word like a bird, and dancing in the mall.
-your "missing" roommate's boss keeps calling. I still don't know where he is.
-you have suddenly taken an interest in making elaborate pasta sauces (like I have time for that!)
-you check if anyone managed to sneak on MSN without you noticing every five minutes
-you have split ends you can cut off
-you have somewhere to be in two hours and have to decide what to wear.
-you are planning a business. That takes a lot of time.
-your upstairs neighbour's pet elephant just had more babies that are taking tap dancing lessons
-your downstairs neighbours are late for their appointment on the Jerry Springer show.
-you have zinc on your desk. God, zinc smells good.
-you watched survivor on the weekend, and have a sudden need to know everything about the people. I'm a looooooooooooooser.
-you start writings lists like this. More exciting then answering questions about the structure of Cloud 9 by Caryl Churchill (which all you theatre lovers should to read. Now.)

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Care for some photos???

Some of the photo scavenger hunt photos are now online. Oh scavenger hunts. If that doesn't work, well I'm just a big stupid dummy.

I love you, have a good day!