a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Oh, the small town

This past week:

-crashed a party. a high school party. very, very fun. participated in several... no hundreds of group hugs. ("Look! GIRLS!")

-had a successful board game night which included me getting a black eye and a cut during an intense game of spoons.

-had an illegal party. got caught. feel awful.

-drove to a rugby game at a school I had never been to and had no idea how to get to. (found a mountain though!)

Loved every minute of the small town (except when I was caught and felt awful). I love both my homes. It's lovely. I'm a little stressed with prep for summer job and this course I got into... but it'll all go okay. It always seems to.



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