Randomness from a random day
Most random moment of the day: When waiting in a ridiculous excessively long line at the post office, the man in front me kept putting his hands on his hips and sighing. Finally, in a very loud voice, he says the word "COCKSUCKER". And nothing else. And continues to wait.
Funniest moment of the day: Talking to RS via my friend's webcam. You can just imagine.
Best moment of the day: meeting the cast of my play.
Worst moment of the day: Reading the director's notes of the play I saw. Self-righteous prick....
Things are good here. I'm done school completely and taking advantage of the nice weather to explore the big city that I hardly know, despite living here eight months. I am in a good show next semester that gives me chills. I am such a lucky girl. The person I respect second most at this school told me I had a beautiful singing voice (huh?!?!) and I've just been belting for the last two days. And dancing. And laying in bed and thinking. And reading. This time to THINK is wonderful.
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