Happy holidays.
Love each other.
Eat a lot.
Dance a little. Or a lot.
Be thankful (even if it's not Thanksgiving).
Appreciate your family.
I love you all.
a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.
Happy holidays.
Had a very long last two and a half days. My tiny family took over a hotel and had a ceremony for the one person who really kept us together. For some reason, I don't find a reception, after a funeral, is the way for me to grieve. Sitting around eating sandwiches and squares, talking to people you don't know isn't that comforting to me. Same with going back to my grandparent's... well, grandfather's house, and having to act happy, at a time when none of us are, particularly. It was a really, really rough time. And I still feel as though I haven't dealt with it.
my favourite prof wanted a submission from me for his magazine about my grandma. I didn't write one. She died on Friday. I'm doing alright, but I also deal with death right now by going going going. As soon as I stop and let myself think about it, I lose it. I need to be surrounded by people, accomplishing tasks, and right now I've done it all. There's nothing left to do, to distract me from thinking about the years this woman has been in my life, and what this loss means to me and my family. It's quite huge, no matter how long we've anticipated it, due to all her illness.
christmas shopping sucks
this morning
plans plans plans plans plans
New roommate?
Confused, but okay with that.
Oh, theatre and development, let's never fight again...