a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Another "you know you're a theatre studen when" moment:

I run into a friend in the tech lab. We talk for about 20 minutes before I even take in that she is wearing a sombrero, and has been for the whole conversation.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

"I'm so funny"

So, our department started the annual 24 Hour Theatre Challenge this year. This is when you have from seven at night one day until seven at night the next to write and produce a play. So I was a writer, I spent the night in school, stopping for dance, South Park, gossip, bathroom, pizza and more dance breaks. I finished in the wee hours of the morning (and you can see the play get crazier and crazier as I got more and more tired), and went home. I returned at 7 to see what was done.

My best friend here was given (with some persuasion on both our parts) my play. I can't really say what it's about without making you read it, essentially it's a theatre artist and a financial planner telling the other that their job is meaningless. They're both pretty pretentious. I wrote it in the most pretentious way possible as well, it was gender neutral, the characters were 1 and 2, they used technical language, there was no definite setting, and each thought the other couldn't understand their work. Of course, it ended in an interpretive dance to Philip Glass. I never know if my writing is funny or not, but who doesn't love interpretive dances about math?

Anyway, I went, and it was funny. Cara's random cast consisted of a short little Colombian man who could hardly speak english (the PERFECT pretentious director), and a tall, thin 28 year old as the planner. She took some awesome liberties, naming him after our banker friend (and my new roommate), the music. I loved it. They added some great lines, including "I'm so funny" from the little theatre man every time he almost broke character because the audience was laughing. And the audience was. Laughing. I wrote something funny. Yeeessssssss.

Anyway. It was a great experience. If your school does it, do it. If it doesn't, start it. Awesome project.


Thursday, March 17, 2005


Sick again.

Had a fever dream about children getting beat up by kids in my parent's garage, but needing to save dying and injured labrador retrievers before I could do anything about it.

I'm too lazy to go get groceries. Meaning I've got nothing to eat but frozen chicken strips, yum?

I'm doing really well in a theatre class, which means the prof is teaming me up with people who aren't doing so well... why should I have to sacrifice? Annoyed.

Excited and scared for moving.

24 hour play project tomorrow.

And that's my life.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Saw Rent for the fourth time this weekend. Also for the fifth time this weekend. Brilliant. The energy of this touring cast was outstanding and the talent in there, mwah! (that's me kissing my fingers and then making a gesture of release, like "that eez a good meatball").

I got the new Jack Johnson CD. Brilliant.

I ate FRENCH TOAST and CHOCOLATE. Brilliant.

I laughed a lot, and didn't sleep in either day!

Now it's back to the grindstone. Design project, performance presentation, popular theatre piece creation, 24 hour play project (well, that one's exciting). Got to write half a play about biological clocks for Wednesday. Love it.

One more month of school.

AND EASTER IS SOON! Easter is probably my favourite holiday, only because it's so springlike. Sunshine, chocolate and jellybeans. Three of my favourite things. This'll be the first year in a few that I won't have an Easter egg hunt dans la belleville. But I'll do one here.

That's all. Peace out.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Grumpy McGrumperson

I'm probably moving from this place to a quite lovely, but much, much smaller space. Without a lot of the things I've grown accustomed to. As in, closets. But we'll see. I'm scared.

I'm also being very petty about something that really got on my nerves. It's part of the deal, buddy.
