a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Today I was walking to the metro, wearing jeans and my red coat and my hood over my head and looking like a tool.

A young man stops me, looks a little sketchy/drug dealery. I'm not super coherent when I encounter strangers and feel threatened.

Man: Hey.
Me: (pretend I didn't hear)
Man: Hey girl.
Me: Hi.
Man: What's your name?
Me: I'm just going home!!!
Man: Yeah, what's your name?
Me: Uh... Elizabeth.
Man: Hi Elizabeth, I'm Greg.
Me: Um, nice to meet you?
Man: You're really beautiful, Elizabeth. Very pretty smile.
Me: Thanks.
Man: You gotta boyfriend?
Me: (liar that I am) Yes. Yep.
Man: Oh. Ever have any friends on the side?
Me: No! No!
Man: (pointing at his pocket, I don't know if it is at his wallet or penis) Ever WANT a friend on the side?
Me: No thank you. Have a great day! (flee)

I got propositioned on my own street. Don't tell my dad.


So Eric and I are going to a housewarming party. I intend on picking up some cookies or chips and grabbing a bottle of wine. What do we do instead? Make from scratch:

1) Asparagus, Artichoke, Spinach Cheese Dip
2) Chicken enchiladas
3) Tiramisu

What the eff?


I had Best Buddies today. When I arrive at the meeting spot, my favourite buddy goes: "Meghan! You look the same!". Kim's soulmate, perhaps?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Not only am I awake before 7:30 am, I have not yet been to bed. The night involved no alcohol, nothing scandalous or morally questionable. Just good, wonderful fun. God bless you, 24 hour theatre challenge. You made me okay.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

This week


When does it END?


I have to take six courses next semester. Jeepers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Some people grew up with balconies as yards.

Today it was beautiful out. Just breathing the cool air made me calm down in an instant and take stock of good things. This is my backyard, taken from my balcony. It's dirty, but amazing.

It's funny how when you accept that something is what it is, life is a little bit easier to deal with. It's just hard to do the accepting.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Even though it's with vegetables and sex, it's still a war"- JM on Lysistrata

It was so sunny today. I'm cherishing these last gorgeous days of fall.


My shoulder says thank you on it.


"Every time I say his name you have an orgasm."- JM on HS.


Costumes, eh? Sometimes people think that just because you can run a business that you are also organized. Ha.
