a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Fuck this.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Remember when we all died?

So, Sarah McLachlan is a great big sap and not our style of music at all (although the song Ice Cream is a fun time...). But you have to respect this:


It makes me depressed about so many things.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Camp memory

K (an awesome camper most of the time): Do you and Edward kiss?
Me: Well, that's not really any of your business.
K: (announcing to all the campers) They do.
Me: Hey!
K: Do you sleep together?
Me: WHAT?! You don't ask people that.
M(my favourite camper): Of course they don't, they're not MARRIED.

I love kids sometimes.

This weekend was a blur. For several reasons, one of which was alcohol...

Don't lose your wallet. It means going to a different province and trying to convince people to let you have a SIN without a birth certificate and id, because both of those things were in the WALLET stupid! But it meant a trip to Ottawa, which was fun, until I forget everything and woke up at 4 pm on Sunday only to eat pizza and watch movies.

Ed got pranked, and it was awesome to be there...

Chantal, Cal, Geoff and I danced to country for a good while. We laughed and sat on the kitchen floor. Then I woke up sporadically for many, many hours. Missing three trains.

It was good. Made me miss Belleville times, though.

Monday, October 11, 2004


I am thankful for my great friends from Belleville and Montreal, my family, my fortunate life, my school and my fairly decent health.

Our dinner was a success, it made my heart happy to love everyone in one room.

My ankle is almost better.

I lost my wallet. That sucks a lot.

Anyway, I'm thankful for having great people in my life, more than anything.