a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeah ha ha

What is it with MEGHAN?

I'm an entrepreneur

Let's all schmoooooooooze.

I LOVE you. Marry me.

No, not you.

Mice in the drama room

That's impressive.

Marketing is key

Monday, June 28, 2004

Killarney camping, 2004

-Kristen spilling ice water on Amanda's lap in the restaurant.
-The never ending road to the campsite.
-A moose!
-Our "backyard" mountain and bog, and beach, site 102 is highly recommended.
-hot dogs
-"Appreciation break"
-toasted bagels and nutella
-Amanda jumping off a cliff
-oh, the bug spray.
-wearing all our clothes on the first night
-fish and chips
-Killarney, pop. 500, Cranberry Juice: $6.99
-lighthouse, Nalgene tests
-"Let's go to the airport." The size of my bathroom.
-watching the sunset. God damnit.
-"Hey, do you guys have any.... tobacco...?"
-"Well, if you want to drag any wood out of the forest later, we're at site 107".
-Tamara telling on site 107...
-Tamara making us brownies.
-The wonderful signs along highway 400... crossing highway 400.
Camping is good, and Killarney is the most beautiful place I have been in a long, long time.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Time for a little spontaneity... (how the eff do you spell that?)

I'm hopping in a car tomorrow with a friend from school and a guy I've never met to go to Montreal... I think. Don't whimp out Meghan.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Being considerate is not difficult. Sometimes it means going a tiny bit out of your way, but you would appreciate the person you are being considerate to to return that consideration.

Be considerate. Follow through. Tie up loose ends. People appreciate your extra effort, whether they say so or not.

Remember how much work it takes to create something. Even a gathering.

Smile, hug, love and create.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

I'm furious. For no reason whatsoever. It sucks.

Fuck you. Yes, the eff word.

I miss school, I guess that makes me a humungo dork. But it's the truth.

For some reason I don't trust one of my dearest friends. I don't like that.

Again, I need a good, real hug. And a good, old-fashioned party. With a guitar.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Pass it on

I want to paint my chairs orange or pink or blue or yellow or a combination of a few of those.

I want to dance in the rain with someone who will laugh as much as I can.

I want to hug people and have it mean something.

I want to wear a pink dress and not feel fat.

I want to eat vegetable wraps with spices from Provence.

I want to go back to my apartment and light tea lights and drink pineapple chardonnay.

I want to colour with crayons.

I want a lot of things. I want to not feel like this, and feel more joyful.

Loving is so much easier than hating

This is real. That makes me very very sad.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

That feeling of accomplishment...

I AM ACTUALLY DOING THIS! I work my ass off all day for no money, only to be too tired to chill with my friends... but the more I do, the more people know, and people have started signing up! I am the creator, facilitator and leader of my own camp! Now that I've got that out of my system...

I went to the video store, and had a moment of "movies suck". But, I do love a lot of them. Whether they are bad or not... here's Meghan's list of movies that are awesome for one reason or another:

Amelie is my favourite movie, the best movie I've ever seen. I always cry and I always laugh. Even when I can't catch the French, I know exactly what is going on, and the little things in life that are so important are caught in a wonderful way. Amelie has also inspired my best birthday present ever...

I'm quite a bit over Moulin Rouge. Still, Ewan McGregor is the best looking, cute singer to ever walk the planet, and I love him dearly. The music and dancing are awesome, the distinctive Baz Lurhman (sp?) direction is gorgeous, and it makes me happy.

I saw Liam at QFA, and it was beautiful. If you can find it, find it.

Maybe not a great film, Bridget Jones' Diary never fails to make me laugh, and choose vodka over being eaten by wolves. But she is NOT fat, nor chubby, goddamn.

Laugh at me all you want, but I love
Mighty Ducks 1 and 2, Sister Act 1 and 2, Remember the Titans, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Emperor's New Groove, A Goofy Movie, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, NEWSIES, all those stupid ones with the music that swoons right when I cry.

-Run Lola Run
-The War Bride
-Last Wedding
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-Michael Moore: Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine
-Kill Bill 1 and 2
-Lost in Translation

Well, that was all I could think of to write for my lunch break. That I'm allowed to make as long as I want. Because I'm self-employed... then again... I'm not getting paid. Eff.