a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Monday, November 13, 2006

My life this semester consists of:

-documentary theatre
(a freudian slip of sorts: upon the first typing of that, I wrote "cockumentary")
- very nice dinners with very nice people
- a group of theatre and development students listening to law students talk about human rights and aching to do something movement based...
- not cleaning
- watching my 22 year old roommate have a mid-life crisis
- being dumped for the first time. well, kind of.
- a fair amount of dancing
- good intentions
- flirting with everyone I meet.
- listening to Regina Spektor and wishing that she was me.
- grad school research. Ew.
- developing my overactive imagination to the point that I cannot get made up things off my mind and they effect the rest of my life.
- Christmas tree on November 1st or something ridiculous like that.
- completing my transition to hippy by regularly saying things like "that's because I'm not grounded enough", "it will help you to find your breath", "it'll be best for us to get to a solution organically", and "follow your impulse, do what your body is telling you to," on a regular basis.
- not learning spanish/the guitar/sign language
- making friends with everyone who works at my favourite restaurant to the point where we invite each other out.
- getting sexually harassed on and around public transit.
- screening my phone calls.
- following my own impulses to the point of injuring others (just one time. a wooden spoon to the crotch of a friend. don't really know why.)
- making pretend big future plans.
- just letting myself be confused about life. It's pretty good.