Have a little faith in me...
I'm feeling a little conflicted today, about a lot of things. So many things that it is blowing my mind. It seems that whenever I feel comfortable with who I am, what I do, what I believe, and all that, my mind just upheaves it, "Mua ha ha ha, start again M!". I want to be fun. I want to be someone that people like to hang around. But I'm so boring! I love to talk about nothing, I love to be with someone who I'm comfortable not talking with. People don't seem to get that though. And when I'm in an outgoing mood, I always feel like I'm being obnoxious. And we all know who gets on my nerves when they are being outgoing. Because they do get obnoxious. That's another thing, I'm having a difficult time just accepting people as they are. I want to, SO badly. It's just that my insides get all frustrated around certain people. Not many. Off the top of my head, I can just think of 2. Which is two too many.
I can't be myself, and I can't be someone else. So what do I do? Help me! Email me! Please! I need somebody.
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