High times, hard times...
Don't you hate it when people are mad at you, and you don't know why, and you don't even know what you've done different to make them mad? Well I sure do! I had my first breakdown of the year on Tuesday. It's funny how it all seems worse when you add it together. I'm not good with stress. And since... well I guess grade 8, I've gone non-stop all the school year through. This year is actually less stressful than last so far (THANK GOD!!!). But I still have too much homework that isn't getting done, drama rehearsals, drama council, a job (only one now), choir, tap, family issues, friend issues, a sore back, a diet which isn't being followed, work-outs that aren't getting done, etc, it goes on. I don't have time for a damn haircut!
I can only do so much. I've accepted that, and I don't feel so guilty when I don't have everything done now. I HATE disappointing people, but there is only so much I'm capable of. And I'll do it to the best of my ability usually. Unless I half-ass it because I have too much. Whoops for those times. I like my friends. I like my drama course (except for one tiny thing, which I accept but still drives me up the goddamn wall). I like tap. I like feeling healthy (maybe I should go back to healthy foods, hmm?). I know that this is jumpy but I don't care. I said damn a lot. So there. Things are okay today, but were awful Tuesday and yesterday. Manic depressive much?
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