a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Male strippers, and other peoples' shameless self-promotion.Quite a day.

Who met two AUSTRALIAN male strippers today? Well that would be me! In Toys R Us, looking for... cowboy guns... eee! Accents! I love it! Made my evening of an otherwise not so good day. I've been hearing a lot of crap about the production course I'm taking next semester. I have been SO looking forward to this course, to finally maybe get a chance to go onstage, as opposed to my usual backstage, or answering the stupid phone (à la Miss Cratchitt). But CM2 will be the star, of course. Because she always is. I'm not denying she can't act, she's good, but OTHER PEOPLE CAN TOO!!!! My drama class is full of really talented people. Yet the course is being pre-cast, with CM2 taking the lead I suppose. At least, MrG already knows who is playing what. In October. The course doesn't start until Febuary. Why is everything unfair???

Oh well. Male strippers. I have some good books to read. Got a good Early bird report card. I guess I'm not meant to act at Bayside. At least, no one there believes in me. Oh well again.


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