Figure it a-a-all out... e-ah-e-ah-a
Bah, humbug. Working at a toy store does not increase my holiday spirit. Rotten spoiled children, with rotten evil parents come in nonstop. Get angry when we don't have something, or have no idea what they are explaining ("well, it's round, but tall, and comes in a blue box, gosh, I forget the name... I'm not sure what it does... I don't know what brand it is... Oh, it's in that commercial!"). I apologize for not being able to identify every single toy in the GIANT toystore. There are quite a few, if you haven't noticed.
I am not doing my homework. I am applying for Universities THIS WEEK, and I haven't decided exactly what I want to take. I have to create audition pieces, different for every school. I have to be pretty and sing. Sorry, something I can't do. I am having a body image crisis this week. I was talking to AW, who was having her own upset yesterday, and suddenly I realized that ALL the weight I lost this summer is back. I know I'm fat. It's okay, I mean, it gives me great cleavage... but when I went down a pant size, it felt so good! I could look at myself in the mirror without being disgusted. Now I'm disgusted again. If only I had time! All my spare time that I could go to the gym is time where I'm working, doing homework, sleeping. I know I can lose weight, and I know how good it feels. Why can't I do it again? Stick with the disgusting protein shakes? Work out regularly? It made me feel better. I don't know, I guess I'm more of an intellectual person then a physical person.
I am not very happy. I'm just frustrated. With so much stuff. I need a hug. Sigh.
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