Remind me to care, please
Exam time coming up. Eeep. I'm having a hard time focusing or caring. I spend too much time on the internet. And I always end up going out. I know I should be staying in. But I can't! Friday night was KW, JA, and CT's bday party. We had another murder mystery party. I guessed who the murderer was, hurray me! Good time. Saturday I worked, then got a call from Amanda, and ended up spending an hour in Subway, half an hour in Tim Horton's and saw a movie with her, CS, CM, RB. Sunday I did homework most of the day, then went to CMs, where we were perfecting our squares... too much food!
Something that I am looking forward to immensely is The Vagina Monologues, coming up in Feb. I am SO happy to be a part of this. This is such a powerful piece of theatre, and I am getting to go onstage and help bring it forth, to the brave souls who were able to ask for tickets for a show with the word Vagina in it. I am sharing a monologue with another girl, and am part of the list segment. I want my friends to come see it. Some are very enthusiastic, others don't want to come at all. I wish that they "got" theatre. That they let it work it's magic, that TV and movies will never have, and they will be swept away and learn a lesson. I am so excited for this performance. First rehearsal tommorrow night!
Things are all right, again. I am getting along with my friends. I am not worrying about school (although I probably should be). I am in a show. A new semester is coming. I just found some stickers!
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