a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Friday, January 09, 2004


I'm sitting here feeling half shitty, and rightfully so, for hurting a friend.

And half frozen, because the heater in my bedroom is broken. I am wearing layer upon layer.

And half (YES I HAVE THREE HALVES. I am special) thrilled about a good week I had at school, a great show that I saw tonight, something comforting in the back of my mind, and two good chats this evening.

Now, I am going to go sap again. I love my friends more than anything. I hurt one, and it feels awful. I've already broken my new year's resolution. This year, I am giving myself a chance to try again. I did something in anger, which I shouldn't have. I should have talked to her directly if my problem with her actions was that big. It wasn't. I admit, I was surprised by her actions. That's no one's business but mine, and I have no right to pass it on, especially without talking to her. So I am going to be extra careful with my friends' feelings. And go to them first if I have any reason to. A million apologies.


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