a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


Now that that rant is off my chest, I can state that I am back at school. I haven't decided whether this is good or bad. I love my apartment, some of my courses are going to be good. I have friends, I have plans. I am chilling. It is cold here, so I have turned down going out two days in a row. That's silly of me, but I put on my pajamas and a musical and begin chatting to TT or LU or AR, (about four hours of phone conversations and I've been here 28 hours. I slept eleven of them...).

I had an unbelievable Christmas break. Except for my car accident, and work, and a sick grandmother and dealing with some boy stupidity, and having my parents forget that I've been making all my own choices for three months (I'm not complaining, it was just something I noticed), I have never appreciated how lucky I am more. I am friends with a phenomenal group of people who live life in the way I believe it should be lived. They are spontaneous, laugh a lot, care about others (well, most of them) and do what makes them happy. Not necessarily what is expected, nor what is practical. But what is good for them as human beings.

I will never understand some of them. It's okay. I accept that. I still love each and every one of them. I love photo scavenger hunts. I love just chilling together. I love the four hundred thousand inside jokes. I love the confidence boost they can give me from time to time. Ha, New Years was one after the other.

I love my friends. I love that I am lucky enough to live a very comfortable existance, that I can study what I want, that I can drink clean water and eat too much chocolate. I love that I can read anything I want, that I can watch films and pieces of theatre whenever I like. I love that I can call up people long distance and chat for hours about life and anything. I love that I can sleep in a warm bed and change the sheets as often as I want. I love that my relationship problems are petty to nonexistant. I love that I can just appreciate people.

My new years resolution? To take care of others. Obviously I am taken care of. To think of others before myself. I have few problems. The ones that I do have I know are blown up a gazillion times, because they are large compared to my small ones (like bruising my knee, losing my car...). If a boy hurts me, it's okay. I have great friends to help me get over it. If I do something stupid, I get over it. I rant about nothing. My friends are the most important thing that I have. If I can help them I will. I hope they know that.

Wow, that was long and ridiculous. My mood swings are still around. But I can control them. I can stop myself from reading too far into most situations (haha, except my most recent big one). I am happy.

YAY happiness.


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