a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

During our photo scavenger hunt

Our car pulls up to a stoplight beside a red car containing two boys about our age. We are hyper and giggling and wave at them. They race on ahead, and we continue in the same direction. We turn right behind them, then head off on our own way.

We are driving down the street, when a car honks at us from an intersection. It is red car boys, who have gone around the block to follow us! They catch up to us at a stoplight. I wave out the sunroof and AR takes a picture out the window. They pull up beside us. We end up beside them at another set of lights. We roll down our window. They roll down their window.

Boy #1- Are you guys from around here?
Me- (the moron, assuming they are lost...) What are you looking for?
Boy #1- What??

They let us take their picture. ACB explained how they were trying to pick us up. Whoops. Although they weren't very clever, "what are you looking for?" could be followed by several awesome innuendoes. It was another fun night at home. I am not looking forward to going back to school. I am looking forward to sleep now.


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