a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Monday, January 19, 2004

High-strung much??

For the last three days I've been a great big ball of emotions. It started on Saturday, after the (very successful, in my opinion) fort party. ACB, AR and I went to Swiss Chalet (where we met the waitress who wins the award for most crack consumed on shift) for some chicken. Which was disappointing, as it was pink on the inside and there was no ketchup and I was afraid to ask crack-waitress for anything. And when I reread those sentences, they have absolutely nothing to do with anything. But they are staying.

So I make cake with AR and eat cake with AR, and go to JA's birthday. And this is when the emotional rollercoaster, completely non-period (which scares me) related, begins. I was telling TT some new information, sitting on the kitchen floor of course, and we just had a really good chat. AR joined us for a few minutes, and JA. It was just so nice to chat about life and stupid boy problems, and be able to say anything. I love being so close to people.

After JA's we went to JS's for a little. I was exhausted from a night of no sleep because of forting, and it was just chilling, listening to Cuban music, looking at photos, chatting, etc. Then it was time to go. I was hugging TT goodbye, and I just lost it. I love my friends so much, I need them so much, and coming back here to school just doesn't compare sometimes. I cried in the car, then I got home and cried. I got up, talked to my mom for a bit and lost it again.

I took the train home, arrived at a party which sucked and got me in big big trouble. This trouble made me more emotional. Now I have to deal with a roommate who almost got us evicted, a superintendant who thinks I'm in trouble, parents who want to help, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. He was so inconsiderate last night, and I take all the blame. And I am the one who gets the eviction threat. And I am the non-smoker who now has to deal with an apartment of smoke. And I am sad.


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