a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Monday, May 19, 2003

Strong Enough

So, it's been a crazy week. We had show 1 of Lion. It went very well, but I was very unhappy with my scene. I swear, I could nail any other part in this play, except maybe Scarlett, and I get this one. I can't do it, and it makes me feel bad about myself, and like I'm not holding up my end of the ensemble. Almost over. Thank God. I'm glad I've done it, it just hurts me. There were tears Saturday.

Sunday was wonderful, though. I spent the evening with AW, AR, MW, AH, HP, TT, JS, MP, CS. We ended up at TTs, where we danced and sang and ate (did we ever EAT!). We played, and talked and did hair and jumped on the trampoline, and it was GLORIOUS. I love my friends. I was so happy to be doing something with AR, who I never see, and when I do we just talk about work. I had a chance to talk to her at the cast party on Saturday night, that was nice too. I don't know why she is choosing not to be with her old friends. If she wants to, that's fine. I accept that.

Today TT and I have been planning an invasion (still a secret, though). I'm looking forward to that. I also went to read her blog, which I haven't looked at in awhile. Wow. I'm so glad to see that she is finally expressing emotions, instead of keeping them bottled up and saying she doesn't care. I'm so glad she ended something that was hurting two people. I'm so happy for her to be free from things that tie her down and make her angry. I'm glad she finally said those things, even if they aren't to the people they should be. Yay!

Things are weird. Very very weird. I'm not sad. I'm pretty happy again. I'm sure I must have some sort of hormonal imbalance that causes me to be up and down like a manic depressive kangaroo. Anyway, I'm off to conquer some work, and to see my boyfriend Ewan.


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