a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

The problem with boobs...

So, there are two things which come with being a girl. The good old mammary glands. I happen to have a large pair of breasts. Yep.

So there was this American Idol parody going on at school. AY and ES had me go into the booth to sing some good old Newsies with them. A rather... bouncy number. I did the snapping, and the jumping. Then they showed it in the caf. And people noticed the jumping. A lot. Enough to get comments made to me by strangers. Shit. I know it's not my fault. RB even said there was cheering. Well, at least they didn't boo. I guess. God I'm so embarassed. Stupid girl boobs.



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