a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Monday, February 03, 2003

Rather like a half-hearted resolution...

Yum, Alan Cumming- what a voice.

Anyways... I am at the beginning of a new semester. I have finished french. Forever. This makes me smile. I have friends. I am happy. I am finding so much out about people, in general. I am thinking about life, my life, and what I want from it. Mainly happiness. I want to enjoy the peope I'm with, and the events I take part in. I want to enjoy. I want to take everything, and understand all the things I need to understand. I want to listen. I want to talk. I want... too much.

I want to not worry about things, how things appear, or what others think of me. I worry too much. I wish I could just strike up conversations with strangers. I wish I wouldn't stumble over what I'm trying to say, or put my foot in my mouth quite so often. I want to be able to accept my life and the stuff I hate. The world isn't supposed to be fair.

I want to stop listening to my stupid dreams, and to stupid society. I am an individual. I don't need to conform to ridiculous standards. I can make my own standards.

Well, things are pretty good.


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