a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

And the dishes... aren't done...

I'm not a neat freak. Not even close. My room has always been a disaster, I get distracted and leave messes... but not for SEVEN DAYS. I'm going crazy!

Do you know what I hate, hate hate? At the comedy club last night, two black comedians made jokes that were racist... towards black people. And people laughed. If a white person had made those jokes, they would have been in trouble. The one female comedian thought it would be funny to end off her time talking about giving blowjobs. I have an idea... use your stage time to empower the females in the mostly male audience, don't leave them thinking that the only way to "land a man" is to randomly give head. Right.

I also hate being in my own apartment, alone. Not knowing anyone well enough to call them up, to hang out. I miss the familiar comfort levels of my high school friends. I even miss the soap operas a little. I miss the randomness. I miss people not needing alcohol to have a great time, and if alcohol was involved, being comfortable that nothing too awful would happen. I cherish all these friendships, and will work my ass off, if that is required, to keep most of them.

I want to have something even slightly similar here, in my new home. I wish I had gone to a school where I knew someone going in. That would have been smart. Cosmopolite. That's what I keep telling myself. "Cosmopolite, cosmopolite, cosmopolite". I will be one hip chick. If only I weren't so shy.


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