Happy Birthday to Me...
It's my birthday. I am eighteen. I like it, so far. CM and I had our second joint birthday party last night, it was pretty fun. There were a lot of people there, a lot more than I expected. It was nice to have a party without drugs, without alcohol. And before you point out that there have only been two (or three)... they never used to be a part of our friendships. Yes, I had fun at JS's party. But I don't need to replicate that all the time. I was super duper excited for camping next week, but some people want to get drunk it seems. Booze and woods don't seem like a good idea to me. People get grumpy once they get sober if I can recall correctly. And you know what, I'll get in trouble for saying this. But I had a great time, without alcohol. I like it better without alcohol.
Now, I was told I couldn't drive to camping tonight. No problem, I guess. But I want to be able to leave if people are being stupid. I don't like the idea of being stranded two hours from home. I'm not going to call my parents, but I'm not going to stay if I'm not enjoying it. I hope it works out.
Anyway, my birthday was a good day. I woke up from a party, hung out with AC and TM, went mini golfing, saw Freaky Friday (twice). I am leaving home. I'm having a very weird time of my life right now. Eeep.
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