a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Bored already

So, summer started last week... and I am bored. All I have scheduled to do this summer is work, which is two or three times a week. Then... what? There's been a lot going on with end of school year parties, which is fun, but too much for me. I've been in a car accident, so now I can't spend lots of money on anything at all. It's all going to my charge and stuff for my new apartment.

I can't get over being bored already! Today we went to the beach, but everyone got tired and left early. So, I went out and had an adventure by myself (not a very exciting one). Well, maybe a break from my friends will be really nice. Not that I don't love them, just some more me time might help me not be bored.

Wow. This is really boring! Sorry! I'll go colour some more :).


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