And so a four year chapter of my life ends, high school, done forever, thank God! Not that I didn't like it, I have fabulous memories, especially from grade 11 and 12, but I hated the school part. It's so restrictive and binding. I love my friends, even if I don't show it enough. I love the fun we have, I love the spontaneity (sp?), the adventures, the comfort we all have with each other. Although sometimes it's creepy:)...
We went to the beach yesterday, after the last exam. It was gray, but the sun came out, and it was SO much fun, even though the water was cold. We dug a giant hole, and a not so giant hole, and boogie boarded, and stole a sign and then put it back. Then we went to Kim's house for the weirdest party ever ever ever. But fun. Now I am exhausted. And a little confused, but no big deal.
Someone apologized, and they have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you. I won't say you didn't hurt me, because you did, a lot. But I appreciate the apology, and I hope we both learned something.
I am feeling quite a bit better, things are okay for me, but my family is going through some awful stuff, well, mom. I feel awful for her, but there is nothing I can do. I still worry about it, but I don't see it in my mind as much. Thank God.
I can't wait for this summer. I can't wait for University. I am so happy and excited.
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