a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A New Year

It is 2007, and I am thrilled. Thrilled!

I've never been one to get really excited about New Years, or make big resolutions, or think things will change. That sounds a lot more depressing than I meant it to.

This year, though, I am really excited about, for some reason or another.

2006 was a big year for me, with some of the best and worst times of my life all crammed together in ridiculous pile of THINGS. At the very end of 2005 I lost a lot of weight in a very short period of time. Most of it stayed off, and 2006 was the year of hating and learning to love and hating once again my body. I battled some depression, using therapy and meds, and feel good. I found myself some great, great friends, and made better friends with many of the ones I already had. I met a man and had my second relationship. It ended badly, after five months of first amazingness and then confusion and anger. I learned a lot. I went to Peru for over a month. I went to India for a month. I worked with kids, I did a successful fundraiser, I wrote and produced my own work, I wore clothes without worrying what people thought, I smiled a lot. I interviewed a porn star. I did a presentation in my underwear. I called myself an artist for the first time. I studied human rights. I learned some Spanish. I made goals I didn't meet. I made goals I did meet. I stopped panicking about my life as much. I'm going to be just fine next year.

So, I have high faith in 2007, because in 2006 I found out a lot more about myself.

I wish anyone that reads this all the great fortunes and successes that they deserve. I wish them happiness, joy and satisfaction in this confusing, confusing life.


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