a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

India... again

I, of course, have been overwhelmed since arrival. I was prepared for the number of people, it is still a shock to walk down a street. I was prepared for the delicious, delicious Indian food that is killing the inside of my stomach. Luckily for Colonialism and Consumerism and Westernization, there is a mall (funny how all malls smell the same) down the street that includes a KFC, a Pizza Hut (which delivers), and a McDonalds. I was prepared for the heat and the dress code (lots of cotton pants, nothing too exposing up top).

I don't even know, yet, what I wasn't prepared for.

We are discussing human rights, we are discussing globalization, we are discussing the notion of our roles as "artists" (we can debate that word later) in this world. I'm kicked in the face once again with how ignorant I am to the state of the world. I just come up with question after question that needs time to be answered, needs research, needs self-reflection. I'm tired, dehydrated and dirty.

I'm very happy and fortunate to be here. I'm all whirlwinded inside.

There is a trip blog being kept:


Don't know what it will grow to be. However, there is so much to be shared.

Now, in the words of the Christ College anthem:

March on Christites, March on!

(more later).


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