a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Curtain Call

Curtain Call, originally uploaded by meghandear.

I'm finding it very hard to live right now. My life before I went away for just five weeks was complicated, school problems, health problems, boy problems, outfit selection problems... and now all those things don't matter. It's embarassing having your eyes opened by a three weeks and a bit touristic volunteer experience.

These girls are so strong, and so beautiful and have so much to give to others and to the world. And most of them never, ever will. They have little to no opportunities, the organizations that feed and clothe them are corrupt, and they have experienced serious poverty or hardship. Hardships that I can't imagine.

I miss them like crazy. I feel utterly useless here, even though we have an entirely real population of hardships. I'm about to work for eight weeks with children who are fortunate enough to live in houses and have money to attend an arts program during the summer. And while I love my kids too, I want to be offering what I have to people who need art and creativy and the chance to play in their lives. My kids have that.

If anyone actually reads this, I need money. Kristen and I are going to be doing some fundraising and sending a package of things that are much needed to Huancayo. Help us?


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