a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

In Canada

Because I thought it would be wise to wear a backless yoga shirt on the day we spent in Maccu Picchu (I can never spell that stupid place name), I now have my first official sunburn. My back is peeling away like a reptile skin. I can't sleep naked like I've been yearning to (what with a roommate every night), otherwise I wake up and my bed is covered in skin. It is disgusting. I'm a monster.

Someone thought I was of Latin background today. That is how tanned I am.

"How come we've never made out?"
"Because you're gay."
"That's discrimination, Meghan."

I'm a very demanding person. And I'm okay with that. Because I am willing to be on both sides of a demanding relationship (you only give what you can take, right?), and how else can you get what you want?


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