a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

It sucks

- when you're jetlagged
- when you hurt someone you really care about, especially when your intentions are good
- when you realize that your good intentions really sucked
- when you get other people involved in your problems
- when you have no sense of discretion at all
- when you take on more projects than you can do
- when you want to help a friend but can't
- when you misunderstand someone
- when everyone leaves for the summer
- when you go crazy temporarily around someone you don't know well, who then thinks you're actually crazy, and it's far too late to fix it.

I wish I was in Australia again.

It doesn't suck

- when you have people you can be really honest with
- when you can finally forgive yourself for being a foolish dummy and making dumb errors
- when people call you and sign up for your day camp...
- when people believe in you
- when the water comes out of the fridge door
- when you read books you loved as a child
- when you're wearing your new favourite shirt
- when you get two really good hugs in one night

I love here too.


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