a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


I HATE when people type LOL in MSN messenger or in an email. Because I know that what I said wasn't funny enough to make people laugh right out loud (except maybe TT, but she laughs at everything). But lately, I've been walking down the street, or standing on the metro, or looking at a photo, and bursting into laughter, or just a big grin.

You know your friends are funny when they can make you laugh without even being there. When I'm having an "I don't want to be here anymore, why is life so stupid" day, I look through my photo albums. And see pictures of my 17 and 18 year old friends dressed up in costumes and dancing in the front yard. Us having waterfights in my living room. Us winter camping with a broken car. Us sidewalking chalking schools. Us at Vocalz. CM and JS with the stranger at the movies. Us camping, and with the guy from Tim Horton's. Us at Bravo Bayside. Us at "Redden Island". Us on a trampoline in our prom dresses. Us at JS's party... (whoops, that makes me do the opposite of laugh). Us making shirts, us at boycott semi, us dressed up for murder mystery parties. Us at the Winchester after my show. Us sneaking into a 30 hour famine and the night the sidewalk chalking began. Us with bump signs. RS touching girls. Us dancing, at the beach, drawing on each others' legs, knees, socks... us pretending it was JS's birthday. Us doing makeup, us half naked before camping, us blow drying our bras and blowing a fuse. Two fuses. ES with a piece of bread on her nose, with her always present middle finger. Us with the (now returned) lawn ornaments. Us in a heap. Us crying over My Girl. Us singing camp songs in the road. I could go on for much longer.

We have too much fun! If I wasn't one of us, I'd be so jealous! I miss the craziness. I miss the randomness. I miss the spontaneity (sp?). I am not unhappy here. I like a lot of it. I just wish all my old friends were here to enjoy it with me, and to keep those times alive. I love that I can go through my photo albums and remember everything. I love that it is still funny. I love just HOW MUCH I love all of you.

I love that when I am having a bad day, photos make it better. And I LOL. A lot. Life is a funny thing, and you are funny people. Funny haha. Well, funny "special" as well.

I also love that I am friends with you while I am friends with people here. That I can have friends in way more than one place and still love them and keep in touch.

You rock.


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