a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Our sociological research

TT and I were having a conversation about a situation. We need an answer.

33 days says:

We decided to ask some boys that were online: "how does a girl know when a guy likes them?"

Here are some (eloquent, of course) answers:

TT's friend says: how does he flurt, well he will prolly start talking to her more, making reference to sexual connetations, he'll prolly start paying more attention to her, recongizing what she likes, what she doesn't like, starts to hang around her more

Okay. So flirting (of course), attention... that makes sense.

AH: I know when I like a girl, i try and make her laugh. I don't know about other guys but that's what I do.

Laughing... jokes, haha...

There are so many, but it comes down to: flirting, touching, making girls laugh, getting clumsy (?????), hanging around her more, teasing her more (more than what?), saying nice things, "I try to act my coolest", being shy, being the opposite of shy (the last two said by the same wonderful boy).

AJ: but, as an aside, if the girl doesn't know the guy likes him, he's doing it wrong and is a total dork

At one point in a conversation: Well, we think that the theoretical boy MIGHT like the theoretical girl. But there are no CLEAR signs, so far as the theoretical girl can tell.

AJ: Most guys, who are dumb, will try to make a few "moves" that will seem a little awkward, strange, and inexplicable to anyone else

So... when a guy likes a girl he acts like what a girl perceives to be a good friend. THIS is why relationships are so complicated.

The life consultants are at work again, analyzing the situations. This survey didn't do too much good.


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