a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Monday, November 10, 2003


So I have a professor I don't like at all. It's okay, though, the course is still pretty good. We go to see a play, and a man sits beside me. He says hello, and I say hi. I keep talking to R on my right and looking at my program. The man on my left asks if I'm part of the student group ("yes"), and how I picked the program ("I got in, it sounded enjoyable"). He asks about TDEV and about the actual school.

Then he says "what about the profs?". I turn to look at him. He is a REPLICATE of my theatre production prof.

"They're... good..." I say.

"Hahaha, Prof.S is my old man, you don't have to answer that!"

Then he hit on me. My professor's son hit on me. Creeeeeeeepo.


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