Okay. I'm having a really really really crummy day so far. It's hard to be mad at people who are four hours away and who don't really care. So here's a list of good things for me:
-I will finish this project on time.
-I had a really good Friday night. Take that Underwear!
-M has said he will do the dishes.
-I have been listening to Norah Jones all day, and I'm in the groove.
-I now have clean clothes to wear!
Wow... my day is bad enough that that is all I can come up with. So here's what would make my day better:
-Ewan McGregor calls and sings me a feel happy song
-I find out that me feeling like crap is a sacrifice I'm unconsciously making for peace on earth (score!)
-I apologize to TT and she listens to me
-I had someone here to dance with.
-Someone from Belleville would call me and say "M, it's okay to be mad. We still love you. We're very sorry." I need a friend.
-I find out the meaning of life! Whoo!
-All of a sudden I can actually sing. Take that underwear!
I'm having a bad, bad day.
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