Tamara and Meghan: Life Counsellors Inc.
Yes a joke, but I'm starting to think that I'm needed, with my meddling ways. I made someone happy and they are going to wreck it. What do I do? Tell them not to make their own decisions? Because they would listen, and everything. I feel little. I feel tired. I feel thrown into this university life, which I like, but I miss my old life. I miss hanging out with people who know me almost inside out, and who I trust with anything. People I can say anything to. People who I can HUG. That's what I need. A big, long, friggin' hug. And a good chat that isn't over the phone or the internet.
I'm happy, but I'm less happy than I was this summer. Argh. We all should have gone to the same University. And lived in a big mattress house. And owned mopeds... and sold drugs for our money... and sang and DANCED danced danced. I learned so much from them. And I continue to do so from four hours away. I LOVE YOU!
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