a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

I'm tired of pudding! And applesauce! And mashed potatoes! And scrambled eggs! I want some chicken! And pasta! And an apple, maybe, and some carrots! And cookies! Stupid gash in my mouth. I could barely get some fruit in there. I found soft cookies today, I kind of skipped the afternoon of school, except for co-op, and went to Beckers with CM and TE, and bought soft cookies and a freezie. Notice how there is so much sugar in all the soft stuff? Then we went to the park, and I had a nice break.

I went to coop. Mr P (idiothead) told me he'd call Mme. Mc to tell her I wouldn't be there yesterday because I went home. Did he? No, she didn't get a message. I even asked him today, and he told me he did. I hate him! Now there is someone who shouldn't be teaching. He doesn't like kids, he doesn't like to think of something interesting to do. Except for Charades, that was pretty interesting...

I spent the last period (as I was signed out) talking to Mr. G. I am the new "president" of drama council, and I really want to make something great out of it this year. The last two years it has fallen through. I have a lot of good ideas, but they are all ideas that I would like, I don't know if others would. I want to DO drama, learn, have opportunities. I don't just want to play theatre games for an hour and a half every week. We'll see.

Hey! I heard someone reads this! It's no longer complete self-indulgence!


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