a little musing, a little philosophizing, a little ranting, a whole lot of nothing, really.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


(M is slightly inebriated, sitting on her kitchen floor crying)
(ES and TT are giving her thoughtful girl advice while ACB looks on uncomfortably)

TT- Sorry, but I have to tell you Meghan, your hair looks really, really good right now.

You guys! I love you SOOOO much!

Another one:

(M and TT are waiting for JS who is making them do his shopping for him)

TT- When he comes back out of the changeroom, let's be looking at bras and underwear.

M- Okay!

Yet another

KW- Oh my God I'm going to fail this french test!

TT- Let's make study notes.

MD- Okay, write French Test.

TT- Got it.

MD- Now write something about boys being stupid.

TT- Okay.

(Time passes)

MD- Alright, let's all joins hands and have a prayer for the french test!

(Everyone proceeds to do so)


Having ridiculously indulgent gossip rants with TT, while washing our feet in the bathtub.


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